PG&E Lakeville Division: W. Bradley Electric Location: Petaluma, CA Description: W. Bradley Electric provided new electrical service & distribution to incorporate full site backup capabilities via portable generator. Installation of new service...
PG&E Corona Division: Electrical Location: Petaluma, CA Description: Electrical distribution and gas service upgrades to incorporate full site generator backup. Installation of (1) new 300kw natural gas generator, automatic transfer switch, generator...
77 Beale Tower Division:ElectricalLocation:San Francisco, CADescription:PG&E engaged WBE to replace and upgrade the incandescent aircraft warning lights atop of their headquarters at 77 Beale Street – 35 story’s up. The existing lights, although...
PG&E Auburn Divisions:W. Bradley Electric, WBE TelcomLocation:Auburn, CAProject Cost:$8,700,000.00Description:This project is a consolidation of PG&E Auburn’s Rock Creek Yard and Auburn service center to a single location. This 15 acre site will combine...
PG&E Riser Division:W. Bradley Electric, Inc.Location:San Francisco, CAProject Cost:$9,980,000.00Description:This project was for a 34 story building in the heart of San Francisco and is the general office for all of PG&E. Scope of this project includes the...