Kaiser San Rafael View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS Kaiser San Rafael San Rafael, CA General Contractor: XL Construction WBE provided electrical, nurse call, public address (PA), security/access controls, and fire alarm systems for the renovation of patient care CT...
UC Davis 48X View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS UC Davis 48X Sacramento, CA W. Bradley Electric’s Telcom division executed the low-voltage cabling infrastructure for the UC Davis 48X Project, including Category 6A and fiber optic backbone installations to support data,...
Large Pharmaceutical PROJECT DETAILS Large Pharmaceutical Bay Area, CACompleted January 2024 Tenant Improvement project upgrading several conference rooms with displays: Poly Video conferencing all-in-one systems, collaboration spaces with DTEN displays for...
SOUTHLINE | LANE PARTNERS PROJECT DETAILS Southline | Lane Partners DPR Construction South San Francisco, CA Lane Partner’s Southline development will transform the South San Francisco and San Bruno communities from an industrial patchwork to a sustainable, integrated...
10X GENOMICS View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS 10x Genomics Pleasanton, CA 10x Genomics, a life science technology company, builds products to advance human health. The company’s integrated solutions include instruments, consumables, and software for analyzing...